High-Speed Conductivity Tester


Introducing our high-speed conductivity tester for condoms, designed to ensure the highest level of quality control during the manufacturing process. As an OEM in India, we understand the importance of producing reliable and safe products, and our conductivity tester is no exception.


Our tester uses advanced technology to quickly and accurately measure the electrical conductivity of each condom, ensuring that it meets industry standards for safety and reliability. With its high-speed capabilities, our tester can handle large volumes of condoms with ease, making it an essential tool for any manufacturer.

High-Speed Conductivity Tester

Used for Quality Control batch testing. 

Suitable for Male and Female condoms and also for Rubber and Polyurethane Condoms.


• Reliably detects even 32swg needle holes on Tips
• Automatic Stripping
• High Throughput
• Inbuilt Calibration Software
• Reliable Database
• Auto ShutOff – Energy Saving
• Excellent Report Generation
• Designed as per International Standards
• Rugged – 24×7 Operation
• Available as 4 or Multiples of 4 heads
• Machines for Male and Female Condoms
• Machines for Rubber and Polyurethane Condoms





At our company, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and quality products. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that our high-speed conductivity tester for condoms meets your specific needs and exceeds your expectations. 

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